giovedì 17 novembre 2016

Diary of an intern: 17 situations trainees go through!

By now we all have an idea of what working is about, especially when you are a trainee!
A new country, a new place, starting from zero.
And of course it takes a while before you get used to everything. So inevitably there are certain situations where we are not really sure what to do..!

1. When summer starts and friends ask what are you going to do next

That was the first feeling to go through: when everyone was posting pictures about their late September vacations you were already over it since weeks!

2. When you're still new and you keep entering all the offices but yours

I found myself just walking around the Hotel figuring out where I came from or looking for stairs/elevator and of course getting in the wrong place.. Ops! 

3. When you get named the coffee runner

This one explains by itself!

4. You go beyond excited when they ask you to do something different from the daily routine presuming they trust you

5. ...and inevitably you go through the "Wait! I have to do what?" moment

Because you realize that actually you don't know how to do it so either you try or you end up asking again! 

6. When the boss tells you can leave early 

7. Just kidding, that never happens in hospitality ahaha!

8. When you answer to an internal call and you have no idea who is speaking

When the speaker is someone who is working in the Hotel but as a trainee you don't know half of the staff and you get confused like "mmm yes, sure..!

9. ...and they ask for Mr. XX

Speaker: May I talk with Mr. XX?
Me: Yes of course! Hold the line please..
** who is that guy??**
And that's when Shift F7 saves you 😉

10. By now you are incredibly familiar with different codes and reports to print

And if a guest is trying to check in and system is down you need to come up with a small talk like
- soo.. do you like cheese? :) 

11. Compliments fuel you better than alcohol!

12. Five night shifts in a row and still looking great!

13. But then you suddenly realize your body system went coconuts

Just a bit confused on the date and hour and being hungry at 3 am but that's alright!

14. When a guest starts explaining you all his concerns about the stay but doesn't give any name or confirmation number which you can refer to

And you become a psychologist, marriage counselor, babysitter, engineer and personal shopper.
Nothing you can really do about it, just listen!


16. When you receive your first paycheck

17. And when you realize you did something wrong..! 

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